Thursday, June 18, 2009

A.P.C 1 year washed twice purchased from {milk bar}

One of the best pair of A.P.C's I have seen in awhile after aging and they were purchased at {milk bar}. Tyler purchased these A.P.C''s 1 year ago . The look he achieved is after being washed twice. He has a little war paint on the back of the legs most likely caused by mud. The wallet imprint on the back pocket with a slight tear is a nice little touch as well.


Unknown said...

can you get some measurements on these? what's their tagged size? I want to get an idea about how much they stretched?

my new standards are still ridiculously tight and I probably have 2 months of wear in them

byrd said...

2 months is not much time, patience is the key to raw denim. In the meantime, I'll look up some info on the ones pictured.

Unknown said...

check out them iphone fadez