Thursday, June 30, 2011

Rep Your State

The State Line is a boundary that draws us together, a division of necessity and desire. It is a reminder of who we are, where we came from, and where we are going. It gives us something to come back to. This is your welcome home.

State Line is a distinct localized product range designed and produced by and for Ohioans. Through needle and thread we hope to share our collective stories as a state and as a people in a celebration of color and culture. In every offering we hope to elicit pride and fondness, and to provide us all with an opportunity for connection and reflection in the recognition of our shared heritage. Drawing from our history, our industry, our literature, our athletics, our architecture, the dynamic personalities that walk our city streets, and from the people whose integrity and individuality paved the way. From the farmstead to the high-rise, we have risen up from the lake shores and the river banks to scrape the sky. We are all in this together.

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