Wednesday, March 3, 2010

{milk bar} Gallery Hop Sale/Repertoire Shoe Boutique Pop Up Store

This Gallery Hop weekend dig deep into discounts at {milk bar} Boutique

50% -70% off last season merchandise!!!

20% A.P.C denim

"Hot Tub Time Machine"
movie pass giveaway.

When you make a purchase from {milk bar} that day check your bags to see if you received a pass to the sneak screening of Hot Tub Time Machine at The Gateway Theater.

also, check out
Repertoire Shoe Boutique Pop Up Store!!!
50-60% off
Fred Perry, Gourmet, Grenson, Tretorn, and more.

DJ Set By O-Gee's DJ Ssagala
and special guest dj"s

{milk bar}
1203 north high street
Columbus, Ohio


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